Follow the steps below to add, remove or change your membership Auto Renewal settings: Go to and select Sign In / Register in the upper right corner of the page.
Costco members may charge their membership fees automatically on any Visa® credit/debit card or Mastercard debit card. The card you set up for Auto Renewal will be charged on the first day of your renewal month.
Follow the steps below to add, remove or change your membership Auto Renewal settings.
If you want to let your membership expire at the end of your current membership year, remove Auto Renew at least two business days before the first day of your renewal month.
To change your membership type or level at the time of your next Auto Renewal, please use the options on this page to contact us or visit the membership counter at your local Costco.
If your membership was automatically renewed and you would like to request a refund, please click this link. Refunds take approximately 5-7 business days to process.